
In both of her new series, Cuban Beach & Cuban Cars, Julia Christe takes a refreshing and humorous look at life on the Caribbean island. At the same time, the artist stays true to her own unmistakable aesthetic, showing us her own view on the land and people that is far removed from the clichés, renowned street scenes and building facades that normally dominate our notions of Cuba.

Light and brightness play a decisive role in Julia Christe’s visual language. As in her previous series, White Sands & White Sands Beach, here on the Cuban beach, the earth and sky appear to merge fluidly. Little by little, the viewer discovers whimsical details in the sun-soaked, watery landscapes, the kind of details that subtly emerge to turn an idyllic scene into a typical Christe piece.

The artist captures Cuba’s world-famous, classic cars in an equally original way, photographing them with the sea in the background as the cars drive along the shore. The summer day’s bright, broad horizon creates a curious contrast to the crashing surf sweeping over the passing cars and their passengers.

With her humour, eye for details, and unique lighting instincts, Julia Christe manages to depict an extraordinary and vibrant side of Cuba – one that is off the beaten path.

Source: Lumas